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Of course it is pretty much impossible to read the entirety of Homestuck in a week but I skipped around and read decent chunks of it. It is a comic I haven't revisited in many years and so expansive and complicated it is sort of difficult to figure out what it even is about. I think love it or hate it though Homestuck is unique and important in webcomic and possibly even fandom history. It has such a weird sense of humor and difficult to capture structure and charm to it. I hear people say things are "like Homestuck" all the time but they never really are. I don't think anything will be as impactful, strange and obscure with a massive following like it had ever again. I also don't think I have ever seen anything use as many mediums as Homestuck did. It is a webcomic, but almost completely told though chat logs and a second person narration which is jarring enough. Then it breaks boundaries by not only having gifs, but videos, flash games and even vine as part of...

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